We did it, didn’t we?

We did it, didn’t we? 

“Love” a single word where an enormous feeling dwells. It is the most beautiful feeling in every person’s life. Doesn’t it feel good to find someone who exactly knows about your choices, remains always with you to guide and support, makes you laugh, and be your best friend? Five years back, I met someone who  later became my best friend, great supporter, and love of my life. Words cannot portray how much I am blessed to have him.

Self-love is a very essential part of life. We should learn to realize our flaws and then take care of our needs. Usually, we blame people for being selfish and harsh on us but we never try to understand that things are wrong with us but not with our surroundings.  They say “you can’t pour water from an empty cup, take care of yourself first”. Once we learn to value ourselves the world will automatically value us. We each have our life to live, dream to fulfill, choices to make, and beautiful journey to walk with deserving people around us, so we should always be able to decide better and learn to say “No” if it's not right for us.

 Life is complicated, we have so much to achieve, and loving someone is an important phase of our life. To be in love you need to find the right person which is a very tough thing.

Earlier, before meeting him I faced many wrong people.  Being in a relationship is not an easy journey, it is something special between two souls who are bind to stay together and share their life eternally. There were also some dark times when we fought with each other, had an argument, stopped talking, and let our ego grow which did nothing but only created mess between us. So, it's not only about loving someone, but also about forgiving, staying loyal, caring, and a willingness to stay together.  If you think walking out resolves the whole problem then you will never find a reason to stay in any relationship. Another most significant key for every healthy relationship is respect for your partner and believing in equality among each other. We are happy together, love each other's company, respect each other, apologize whenever necessary, and try to make each other special. We couldn’t ask much better than this. We act differently in each other's life, we may joke as a friend, share our secret, care like a parent, guide as our elders and help as a partner. Besides being together we all have our personal life and many people around us expect us to become strong and independent.  Respecting each other’s choices, personal life, and acknowledging disappointment and success is the most effective way to build a healthy relationship. 


I found my love during college days; we never thought we were made for each other. We had so many differences, our thoughts and ways of living do not match well.   Back then, many friends insisted us to break the bonding. Despite having many differences we fell happy to be together. We didn’t rush to stay in a relationship, after two years of intense mutual understanding we decided to do so. We tried our best and made our self better to be together.  

When I started going college I had various plans for my future but falling for someone was never in a list. Out of the blue, all these things happened. At that time I was an introvert and less confident to interact, some ghastly memories used to always haunt me. But after getting his company, everything changed magically. He never failed to motivate me. And to make our relationship healthier we started getting inspired by each other.  

 I think loving someone and expecting the same from them do not work well. If you love someone you need to let them free, make their own choices and if they think of living differently we shouldn’t stop them because they deserve to explore every aspect of their life. Let insecurities do not impediment their avenues.

we did, didn't we ?

Written by - Sabina Thapa

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