Do you ever feel like this whole time no one was ever trying to be wrong instead they all were trying their best for themselves like each day we do for ourselves, because we are not interested in the other side of the story, but what if we try to know them?  

The best part of every gossip is it basically includes only the one side of the story.  It makes everything so dramatic and interesting and we assume things are wrong with us and later we realize now the things are wrong, not before. We feel free to judge and that’s the common nature with every one of us. I understand the fact but why don’t we try something better of which we are capable of. We are never empty, every time we are occupied with galore of wonderful things to grant; blessing, good wishes, appreciation, freedom to let them free from ourselves because they are not the one capturing themselves to us but we are the one involving intensely in just one side of the story whereas, the other side just do not looks like as we portrayed. 

What makes us weak? I think we all are just interesting and innocent people, we cry if we are hurt, we smile when we are happy and we get scared if things are not good with us.  Sometimes we just can’t speculate what is wrong and right for us. In some phases of life we try to hide our pain and sorrow and pretend to be strong in front of everyone because we think revealing the reality makes us weak. But it’s very important to let things go and care for ourselves. The place where we live is surrounded by both negative and positive mindsets. And these days, posts of people in social networks where only good things of them are exposed and failures are buried makes us more anxious, so always try focusing on the person you want to be and you are becoming. Each of us are under the spotlight, the stage, the audience and numbers of opportunity revolve around us so the best thing we can do sooner or later is to shine and present ourselves gracefully. Sometimes winning is not important, failure also teaches lessons. We all have different choices which makes us different among others, yes we get inspired by many people but Imitating like them is not good at all; it is very important to maintain our own originality. 

 So let me share you a question asked by my brother, he asked, “Sabina there are three categories of people firstly who talk about the ideas, those are the brilliant ones, secondly the sensitive minds who talk about the circumstances and lastly the worst ones who only talks about other, so who would you choose to be ?”.  

 I already had an answer for his question but I didn't want to accept it. We all want us to be marked in the better category but we should also accept the truth that we still are not in the position where we wanted to be. While having the conversation he told me to be in the second category if not in first. The topic was not about categorizing anyone but I did it, doing so helped me to correct myself and grow productively. So today I don't feel any sort of awkwardness to accept that I am learning to be a good human. I have come to a conclusion that it’s never late to learn. It is very important to learn to love and care for ourselves.  

 Once I heard, there is nothing wrong with being an ambitious person. Today I am not one of those brilliant writers who have great things to share but I am blessed to present my words and try something which makes me happy. So let’s take this life in an easy way and evade all the unnecessary pressures; sometimes a single step is enough to achieve tomorrow’s goal.  

