I am not a Failure


I am not a failure

 “There is nothing to writing. All you do is sit down at a type writer and bleed”- Ernest Hemingway. I am not a failure and never been the one till. Life is much harder than stepping on the peak of the Everest but everyone around here wishes to conquer a better life, and on the same run, I am trying my best to be better human with the purest soul. Growing up as an elder child is not an easy task, from the very early age, I was guided to be more responsible and mature than rest of my younger siblings.

Today, I am almost 22, and evoking a time when I was a little girl; I wish there would have been someone else to tell her to dwell in her dream as she used to describe it in her fairy rhymes. 

                I was not good at anything, weak at everything academically,weather is social or social things.I didn’t know how to cook; i am still unable to braid my hair.. I lost a competition because of single word “Oh Shit!”. I still remember those two pages of poem I prepared to present, but because of its lengthy composition it was rejected, on that day I took it as my failure. Though it was a dark tragic for me, I didn’t stop writing, still today I am writing my own poems, describing my own creation through the words filled up with the blend of pain and pleasure.  All these things make me glad and help me to discern that I am not a failure. 

                Every person has their own spark, believing the thought I have never been ashamed or insecure. There were many on my ways: some became my friends and some just vanished on the run. And today, I am living my dream. I am learning to write. It’s not that I didn’t fail, I failed many times. Most of the time i thought of giving up. Many time, I blamed my mistakes on other so I that i could stay happy but I was wrong then, Now i  learned to apologies and forgive, I learned to make it up to other people and I learned to smile on their happiness then I realized I was living fearlessly and then I got pretty version of myself.

        Through all these letters, I have just entered to the world of writing because now I really want to grow up, become an avid learner and like to fulfill the entire hungriness that has been craving for knowledge. Ups and down ,sadness and happiness, they are the great teachers and a part of our life. All of us have a good heart and an ability to change for better, so trust on yourself and stand for yourself as I did. The reason behind my happiness is the failure that I triumph over despite of various challenges.   

Written by - Sabina Thapa


